New Member – Robin Raycraft
Robin Raycraft
Concord NH Club
While Robin is a new official member, she is carrying a family torch and has been to many Zonta events. Robin is a therapist who has her own practice locally. Robin has long been an advocate for mental health and has dedicated her life’s work to empower, educate and treat individuals and families. With over 25 years in the field, she takes great pride in her work and truly loves what she recognizes as her life’s calling.
If this did not keep her busy enough, she is a single Mom of 3 beautiful children. The eldest just started college, the middle is a senior in High School and the youngest, whom she adopted as a teenager, is a junior. Robin also has a soft place for animals and has adopted several of them as well and some might say she has a small farm with her five dogs, 3 cats, a bunny, a guinea pig and some chickens. Her favorite people in the world call her Mom.
Robin loves to be part of her community and especially if it includes raising the status of women, she even named her first chicken Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
Robin was welcomed by the Concord Club, but invited by her own Mother with whom she also loves to spend time with and has inspired her in her advocacy work as well.