
New Member Packet

Ideas for the packet.



    1. keep people we already have – interested, engaged, mentored
    2. secret sister program has worked – gift cards, thoughtful gestures
    3. use exit interview feedback to help retain other members
    4. continuously update with recognition of what has been accomplished
    5. acknowledge the outcomes
    6. get members involved – give them something to do
    7. celebrate what people can do – members have various strengths and talents

Current challenges:

  1. dues sometimes a challenge
  2. time commitment
  3. members ‘aging out’
  4. Covid has given us additional challenges not able to meet in person.

Communication Challenges during this Pandemic

If you find communicating with each other difficult at times, you are not alone. With remote meetings and brief exchanges,  often messages can be misunderstood.  Even though we have Zonta’s mission in common, we need to step back sometimes and remember that we all have different behavioral styles. At the 2020 Spring Workshop we had an excellent presentation on this topic from Maureen Farmer. Now might be a good time to review this in your club!

DISC Explained: This is a short video that talks about the assessment.
DISC Assessment:
This short assessment (DISC) is private to you. No one will see your results-only you. It takes approximately 10-12 minutes to complete and then you receive a report. You will need to register with your name and email address, but you don’t need to use your real name and a private email address. If you want to – at the end – you can request a download of a free report.   Not only can this be eye-opening for you, but it helps remember to honor people for who they are and respect their needs and differences.

Click here to read important message

Transformative DISC Principles to be an Awesome Leader
~ Understand your own style and recognize the styles of others
~ Think about style when establishing expectations of others
~ Consider others’ intention, not just their behavior – honor the relationship first
~ Understand, to the degree you can, what’s important to the other person
~  Treat others how they need to be treated, not how you need to be treated
• ALL styles are positive and contribute to the world in meaningful ways.
• There is no need to change the core essence of who you are.
• Nobody is just one style. You are a unique blend of ALL FOUR.
• You have the ability to adapt to different situations through style flexibility. Tap into the abilities (within you) of all four styles to achieve healthier and happier relationships and achieve the highest potential.

If your club would be interested in attending a training, we could see if that might be arranged.



We are proud of our long-term employees – starting with Mary Socha and Audrey Milgate’s 48 years of service!
Click here for a list of members by start date.
The Length of Membership Award is presented to members who have provided service to the
organization for a major milestone of at least five (5) years of membership. These awards will honor
members who have made such a strong contribution to improving the status women throughout their
years of membership.

  • Length of Membership Award Letter (customizable) | PDF
  • Length of Membership Award Certificate (customizable) | PDF




We need a leadership approach for attracting and retaining members who are happy, fulfilled, enthusiastic contributors to Zonta’s mission.

Leaders are responsible for the volunteers in their club – the ones who do the good work of Zonta.

Volunteers are varied in their life experiences, but the people we attract have three qualities in common. They are:

  1. Independent thinkers who have the capacity to make choices in their lives.
  2. Competent individuals with a range of knowledge, skills, judgment, and strengths.
  3. Interested in connections and community

If we acknowledge and honor these attributes – asking their opinions/perspectives; assuming they can do the work needed with the proper support and engaging them in a collaborative fashion – they will feel rewarded by being part of Zonta, and bring energy, motivation and inspiration to the organization.

If you agree with this logic, then we need to grow a coaching culture for leadership in our clubs and committees. A climate where we:

  • Listen to understand in conversations where there is an air of safety and trust.
  • Ask powerful questions – what do you want, why is it important, how would you do it, when?
  • Respectfully challenge and support each other; and
  • Establish next steps and accountability.

And who are the Leaders?  Everyone in the organization.  Each of us needs to feel empowered to take the leadership role when that is appropriate.